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5 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Contact You

5 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Contact You

Ok, raise your hand if at any point in your life you have felt like you were not alone, like god was always watching over you and protecting you from harm's way? Or a time were you completely dodged a bad situation simply because you had a gut feeling?
What about... strong intuition..? Able to see past peoples bs? but can't exactly explain why?
This my friends, are signs that your guides are with you every step of the way guiding you!
Our spirit guides are present throughout our lives not only to provide you with a sense of guidance and direction, but to ensure we stay on track with our mission on earth. Below i'll explain some of the main signs our divine team uses to get our attention
  • Ringing In Ears Or Pressure Change
  • Seeing Angel Numbers
  • Random Feathers
  • Chills
  • Butterflies and Dragonflies


 1.) Ringing In Ears Or Pressure Change
Ringing in the ears or feeling like all of a sudden your ears feel clogged as if you were underwater is a pretty strong indication that you've tuned into another frequency and possible receiving some type of download.
by download, I mean some useful information that could be critical for whatever dilema you may be currently dealing with.
When you begin to hear ringing in your ears really sit down for a minute and try to quiet your mind, try to perceive what is trying to be communicated, pay attention to your surroundings and most importantly pay attention to anything that catches your attention, these objects that have your attentions may be clues to the bigger picture
2.) Seeing Angel Numbers
What are angel numbers? Angel numbers are repeating number sequences. Like 111, 222, 333... and so on up until 999.
This is another major sign your guides are trying to get your attention.. Every angel number has a completely different vibration. (Meaning they have different meanings)
Like for example 111, represents awakening and manifestation.. Whatever new project or endeavor you may be contemplating its their way of giving us green light to go for it and trust that they will guide you on your path.
222, represents cooperation, balance and most importantly expansion. Seeing 222 can represent that it's time for you to expand rather that be asking people for help, networking or building a team. finding balance during this time is important because endurance and persistence is required to reach that next level in your journey.. If you don't find that balance you will burn out fairly quicklyyy and give up on whatever you're pursuing (Trust me... I've done this AT LEAST a million times..)
Of course the list continues, but we'll leave that for another post (;
3.) Random Feathers
Random feathers mainly come from our Guardian Angel spirit guides, our angel spirit guides are responsible for protecting us and keeping us from harm's way. Guardian angels live on a much higher frequency than your average spirit guide.
So seeing a feather for your first time is a good sign that you are very much so in alignment with your path because these symbols don't become noticeable until we reach a certain level of consciousness.
Pay attention to the color of the feather as they have different meanings as well, similar to the angel numbers!
A black feather may represent that you are now being guarded and protected from negative energies attempting to get you off your path. A black and white feather signifies that there may be change on the horizon or something is on the verge of changing. A grey feather may appear in times when you feel overwhelmed and may be an indication that calmer days are coming.
Our angels just simply like to remind us that we're not alone and that they are working behind the scene in our favor.
4.) Getting Chills
Have you ever experienced a moment when all of a sudden you feel chills going up into your head, It's almost like an electrical shock were even the hairs on your head feel as if they're standing up?..
We often refer to this as Spirits Touch.
It usually happens when there is a spiritual being anywhere near you. The spiritual being can be anything from your spirit guides to a deceased loved one dropping in to see how you're doing!
That is the sensation of your chakras activating, Or you can refer to this as your spidey senses (;
5.) Butterflies & Dragonflies
Seeing butterflies is an amazing amazing sign because butterflies symbolize transformation! So seeing this is 100% confirmation that you are growing and evolving on the right path!
seeing dragonflies often signifies personal growth, seeing this lovely creature calls for you to look within and figure out what you can improve in. What is hindering you from your growth and what can you do to perfect your craft!
So really take the time and literally STOP and smell the roses. Become aware of the messages and guidance around you! I know often times we feel shitty and lost and simple feel unmotivated, but I promise you that once you begin to take a moment and notice the synchronicities a lot of things will begin to change in your life. but it all starts with you(: Until next time loves❤ Don't forget to save this post for later by pinning it to your Self Development Boards.. Besos!